• City of Karratha - Contamination


City of Karratha - Contamination

What is contamination?

Contamination are specific items that can't go in your commingled recycling bin. This may be because the item is not recyclable, it could be because the machines at the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) are not designed to remove it, or it could be because the item may cause harm or damage to other recyclables, machinery or staff. These items are called CONTAMINANTS.

High levels of contamination could lead to an entire truck load of recyclables being classified as no longer recyclable; this would mean the whole truck load would end up in landfill. #dontwasteitkarratha


What does belong in our commingled recycling bin?

What is contamination? (cont.)

Types of contamination: Plastics

Types of contamination: Food and liquids

Types of contamination: Textiles

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